Sunday, April 28, 2013

it's ended..

it's been a while..
*blowing off dust*
hope you guys are doing well..
well, i officially finished my 3 years of Diploma..
it was quite challenging but i made it through..
with prayers from family, friends and loved ones i managed to get through all the challenges thrown to me..
these three years taught me how to survive, be independent..
some taught me how to manage my time and work..
some even taught me how to love, how to know who your real friends are..
who your enemies are..
this 3 years had changed me to become a better person than i was after finishing school..
it made me become more mature and more careful..
i won't forget my real friends and i hope they won't forget me too..
lastly, i hope i can pass with flying colours in order to get my Diploma In Tourism Management..
in sha allah..
aminnn :)