Hey guys..
Em, u know what..
Lately nie org slalu tnye aku..
Ble nk kawin..
Da ade yg punye ke blum?
Da ade bf?
Ade calon yg ssuai?
Ya allah, i'm only turning 21 ok..
Not 31..
I still have a long way to go before i start thinking about settling down..
Ok, sbnrnye reason aku cte psl bnde nie bcoz of my fren ain..
Die msj tnye khabar..
Then die tnye da ade bf ke?
Aku ckpla i have a bestfren, tp status ktorg can be considered as teman tp mesra la..
Em, then die tnye..
'Awk x nk couple srius ke?'
Trus terang aku ckp mmg aku sentap jap..
Bkn sentap cdey, tp sentap terkejut..
X sgke die tnye aku cmtu..
Sbb die rapat gak ngan aku..
Byk cte psl aku die tw..
Aku ckpla aku blum ready, lg pn lpas ex aku yg couple smpi 7 tahun tu..
Xde spe lg yg lekat ngan aku smpi stahun..
Bpe bln jer..
Aku blum sedia lg nk couple2..
Nk srius..
Aku nk fokus kt mse dpn aku..
N when the time comes and i've found the guy..
Only then i will think about settling down..
X yah couple2, ikat jer trus..
Lg sng kn?
Doakn aku jmpe jodoh yg baik k..
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