has made me afraid of you..
afraid to face the real world...
afraid of what people will say about me..
what they will do when they look at my face..
maybe they will say, "hey,this girl is a liar, backstabber"
all those rude things...
i don't know what they want from me...
but i'm really afraid...
it's one me against few of them...
how do i survive...
i'm not strong enough...
whatever i do will be judged by them..
i feel like quitting my studies and stay at home...
locking myself in the room and cry all day...
what did i do to make her really hate me so much?
is all this worth it for one mistake that i did?
is it too big until i have to be humiliated in front of the whole world?
in front of everyone i know?
all i want is forgiveness...
maybe that is the only thing you can't give me..
except hatred, revenge and lots more..
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