Monday, July 6, 2015


people often say,
respect work both ways..
isn't it?
well, to most people it does..
some people will always feel that they're more superior and they will always be respected..
u're wrong man..
even if u're older or more superior whatever u still need to respect people below..
respect is earned, not given..
and sometimes listening is better than just jumping to conclusions..
not pointing it out on anyone particular but it's just what i've been going through these few months..
getting yelled at something that u're trying to explain..
not even listening to the full story but already jumped to their own conclusions..
without even thinking about how the other party felt..
me walking away is simply a sign that i respect u and i don't want to make things worse..
depends on what you're understanding is..
because to be honest, i don't give a damn..
i think i'm old enough to make my own decisions most of the time..
please just respect me, my belongings, my space and my life..
everyone have their own lives..
they don't just live to please u..

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