Have you ever felt sometime in your life..
That everything just falls apart inside of you..
Without reason, without pain..
You just feel so alone, hopeless..
All the positivity that you so badly contained all this while just suddenly escapes you?
And all that's left is just emptiness..
Hollowness creeping all over your body, your soul..
And it makes the tears automatically flow..
You tried to punish yourself without reason..
You tried building yourself up but it's just not so easy anymore..
All those guilt that you kept inside of you is flooding within you..
And you feel that there's nothing you can do to repair it..
You know that it's the thing of the past..
But all the marks from your past never left you..
The marks has become part of you..
Like an invinsible tattoo stuck on your skin..forever..
Except that it slowly crushes you..
All your hope, you happiness, all your strength..
Drained away..sucked but the marks of your past..
Leaving you fragile..
But you know you have to fight..
You have to conceal it from everyone around you..
Because the look up to you..
To become a symbol of hope and strength..
But the moment all the eyes left you..
You are left alone to crumble..
You cried yourself to sleep almost every night..
And wake up in the morning having to rebuild yourself so that you can face people..
On an on until someone or something that can tear apart all the marks from you..
And only then you will be truly free..
I am still awaiting that moment to come..
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