biasenye la kn..
org mesty ltak..
p.s: i'm still not over u kn?
well, kli nie len ckit..
post nie utk that certain sum1 la..
ntah ek, die pk aku still syg die..
em, rsenye ye..
tp not more than a friend ok..
tlgla trime hakikat..
aku x ksah pn klau kau nk pggil aku syg..
dear ke, honey ke..
tp tlg jgn pk aku bg kau pggil aku cm uh..
aku nie still syg kau..
u're totally wrong!
juz let me move on with my life..
kdg2 aku cnfuse tw..
cm seolah2 aku nie sygkn kau..
bub kau yg ckp cm uh..
tp sbnrnye x..
juz, aku nk mntk tlg..
pls don't put words in my mouth..
pls move on like i am doing now..
we can still be friends..
tp couple?
i dunno..
only god has the answers..
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