You know a girl is lucky when she has these things in her life (other than the basic needs) :-
1. A family that loves her
2. A partner for life
3. Friends during the best and worse days of her life
And I am grateful especially for the friends I have now. They have made me believe that there is hope for a better tomorrow. Especially considering all i've been through when it comes to friends.
Not much I can say expect that thank you for being there through every stage of my life.
Thank you for accepting me as the crazy person that I am.
Also, thank you for being true to me and point out my wrongs other than isolating me for it.
Hoping for a lasting friendship through more stages to come in life.
I love you all sincerely and hope the same from all of you too.
I love you all sincerely and hope the same from all of you too.
In shaa allah :)