Monday, February 4, 2019


Image may contain: 6 people, including Nurul Atikah, Dia Fatiah Ya'akub, Annaz Sent and Noor Shafiqah Isham, people smiling, people standing and stripes
Image may contain: 9 people, including Dia Fatiah Ya'akub, Noor Shafiqah Isham, Annaz Sent and Tyra Razak, people smiling

You know a girl is lucky when she has these things in her life (other than the basic needs) :-
1. A family that loves her
2. A partner for life
3. Friends during the best and worse days of her life

And I am grateful especially for the friends I have now. They have made me believe that there is hope for a better tomorrow. Especially considering all i've been through when it comes to friends.
Not much I can say expect that thank you for being there through every stage of my life.
Thank you for accepting me as the crazy person that I am.
Also, thank you for being true to me and point out my wrongs other than isolating me for it.
Hoping for a lasting friendship through more stages to come in life.
I love you all sincerely and hope the same from all of you too.
In shaa allah :)

Saturday, June 18, 2016


haven't been updating on myself a lot lately isn't it?
well, lots to tell but never had the mood to do so..
my posts have been shorter and shorter by time..
as myself has been all over the place lately..
busy with work..
workload getting more and more everyday..
i dunno..
maybe he's just not ready to take the next step yet..
we both aren't..
but he's been more unwilling than ever..
maybe he has been rethinking the whole marrying me thing..
who knows right?
he just left me feeling empty sometimes..
until I wonder whether the feeling is still mutual..
or am I the only one hoping..
when we see each other it feels forced..
like he's just entertaining me for the sake of my happiness..
not for his..
i just wish i can see the truth behind all this..
he has been reluctant almost everytime i ask him out..
then my head will start spinning from all my thoughts..
does he still love me?
does he have someone else?
is he bored with me?
why is he like this?
maybe he doesn't want me anymore..
God, please give me strength to go through this..
if he's not meant to be mine please give me strength to let him go..
if we're meant for each other, please open his heart to fight for us..
fight for this relationship..
even when i am giving up..

Friday, May 20, 2016

time to go..

It's has been a while hasn't it?
Much to update but the mood was absent so I just left it there..
Well, to keep things best friend is married..
He is now a very proud husband to Mrs A..
I pray that you guys will be happy until your last breaths..
stay strong through any challenges that may come ahead..
I'm sorry that I did not come for your solemnization..
I just can't bear the fact that you're married..
and someone's husband..
I've finally realized that it is indeed time for me to let you go..
good bye my crush..
you're just gonna one of my guy friends starting now..
and I may not come for your wedding day..
i don't think i'm strong enough for that..
stay happy my friend..

Monday, March 28, 2016

Warkah Buat Nenda


Atok sihat?
Atok gembira ke kat sana?
iffie harap atok tenang kat sana..
di samping kekasih kita..
iffie rindu atok..
terasa macam semalam atok pergi tinggalkan kita semua..
tapi realitinya dah 7 tahun atok pergi..
kalau atok ada mesty atok happy..
iffie da habis belajar tok..
dah dapat diploma..
sekarang dah kerja..
kak leen dengan kak eeza dah kahwin..
masing2 dah ada anak dua.
cicit atok da ada 4 orang..
seorang perempuan 3 orang lelaki..
cantik2 hensem2..
pandai2 pulak tu..
inshaAllah kalau ada rezeki iffie pula menyusul tok..
iffie harap sangat atok ada masa iffie kahwin..
tapi Allah lebih sayangkan atok..
mungkin ni untuk yang terbaik..
iffie nak minta restu dari atok..
atok restu ya?
walaupun atok dah jauh tapi iffie tetap rasa atok ada..
iffie redha dengan pemergian atok..
sebab atok tak payah tengok keluarga kita sekarang..
masing2 bawa haluan sendiri..
mesti atok sedih kalau nampak semua ni..
maafkan iffie tok, sbb tak dapat nak jaga keluarga kita..
tapi iffie janji iffie akan cerita pasal atok dekat anak2 iffie nanti..
biar diorang kenal moyang diorang..
atok mesti penat kan?
atok tidur ye..
iffie akan jaga semuanya dekat sini..
terima kasih untuk jasa atok selama ni..
kirim salam iffie dekat Tok Ayah..
semoga kita berjumpa di syurga Jannah nanti..
Al-Fatihah Zabidah Bt Abdullah & Ibrahim Bin Ahmad..

Sunday, March 20, 2016

My Decisions, My Regrets

tak semua org akan paham ape yg kau lalui..
tapi diorg cepat jatuhkan hukum..
pelik kan?
tp tu la kenyataan..
setiap keputusan yg kau buat mungkin tak betul tapi..
bagi aku biar la aku berjaya atau gagal sebab usaha aku sendiri..
lebih bagus dr org tlg aku tapi tepaksa tanggung malu sebab aku gagal..
mak dengan ayah slalu ckp 'biar la org nk ckp ape..diorg x rse ape kte rse'
mmg btul tp kte nie tetap manusia kn..
ada tahapnye..
sampai mane kte bole bertahan..
sekarang nie aku nk pentingkn dri sndri..
lantak la org nk ckp ape..
aku x peduli..
yg pnting aku happy..

Thursday, December 24, 2015

kawan baik..sahabat..selamanya..

kawan baik..sahabat..
ape agaknya maksud tu bagi korang?
mesti lain2 tapi yg penting korang nak hubungan tu kekal kan?
aku pun sama..
berharap kau akan jumpe kawan2 yg akan selalu ada dengan kau bila kau perlukan..
even kau tak pernah britau tapi diorang akan tanye khabar kau skali skala..
lately ni aku terasa lain sangat..
seolah2 'ikatan' tu macam hilang..atau terlindung..
mungkin la kan..masing2 busy dengan life sendiri..
studies, kerja, families, masing2 ade issue diorang..
aku banyak kali cuba sedapkan hati tapi asyik kecewa..
kenapa? diorang da berubah ke? ataupun aku yg berubah?
ape yg lain?
cume aku terasa macam 'terpinggir' dari kalangan kawan2 aku..
macam seolah2 aku tak ngam dengan diorang..
bile aku komen ke cite pape macam takde sape amek kesah..
tapi diorang tanye pape aku jawab secepat mungkin..
kadang terase macam orang asing gak..
mungkin ni dugaan untuk aku..
fasa yg aku kena tempuh kan..
sumpah aku terasa kehilangan sangat..
rase macam diabaikan..
Ya Allah, kenapa?
aku tau ade hikmah disebalik ni nanti..
cuma kenapa aku kena rasa perasaan ni lagi?
aku tak nak kehilangan sesape lagi..
tapi kalau ade yg nak tinggalkan aku..
aku harap kau tanamkan sifat redha dlm diri aku..
dengan ketenangan..

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Remember Me?

korang pernah rasa tak?
takde angin takde ribut tibe2 bestfren kau terus senyap and macam da x pduli dengan kau..
kau pn mesty pikir ape salah kau kan..
ape yang kau da buat sampai die totally ignore kau?
tapi ape jer kite bole buat kan..
tu hak die nak kawan ke tak dengan kite..
mungkin sebab kau is kau busy dengan keje n girlfren kan?
alhamdulillah, keje kau makin stabil n relationship kau pn da xde problem..
jadi kau campak tepi kawan baik yang slame nie tolong bg nasihat kt kau..
yang susah payah nk hepikan kau..
mungkin gak kau ade cite pape kt girlfren kau sebab die macam tak suke aku da..
dulu aku sggup telan rasa kecik ati aku untuk tolong kau dengan gf kau..
bg nasihat untuk buat die pcaye kt aku..
tak nak die jelez2 x tntu pasal dengan aku..
sebab aku da anggap kau macam adek bradek aku sndri..
tapi salah aku kan?
kau tak rasa macam tu da lepas kau kenal die..
aku sorang jer yg rase cmtu..
takpe, aku lepaskan kau..
semoga kau bahagia dengan idup kau skang..
cume bila kau jatuh nanti, jangan cari aku lagi..
aku tak kenal kau da mase tu..
aku akan campak kau macam mane kau campak aku sekarang..
mase tu nk nyesal pn tak gune rasenye..
sebab aku da keraskan ati utk kau..
klau kau nk menanges2 mrayu kt aku pn aku tak nak layan..
walaupun aku da ade bf tapi rasenye aku masih ingatkan kawan2 aku..
kawan2 jer yg slalu lebihkan org yg die sayang lebih dari aku yg banyak tolong kan..
takpela, masa untuk aku buang orang2 yg x anggap aku pnting dlm idup korg..
aku tak nak buat dosa doa yg bkn2 kt korg..
sndri makan ati tiap2 malam pikir ape slh aku kt korg..
mase utk aku plak jd selfish..
selamat tinggal kawan..